Are you ready to unlock the possibilities?
What could you do if you had more time during the day or week? Where would you want to spend it?
What impact would those extra hours have on your health.... on your happiness? How would it change or improve your connection with your family, with your friends or with your self?
What could your business achieve if there were two of you? What changes would you make? What things would you implement to improve the team, the processes, or the operations?
If you are ready to unlock the potential of your business, S3 has the key. With a laser focus on identifying the challenges, implementing the solutions and ensuring consistent execution, Sellers Strategic Solutions provides the services you and your business needs to break out of the routine that has been preventing you from having the results you know are possible.
Explore Services
What Do I offer
The Coaching Process
How It Works
- Schedule and complete the initial, complimentary 2-hour consultation to gain insight on the specifics of our approach and determine whether you will get more traction
from individual or group consults or both. Usually clients start with a one-on-one
strategy and then more of the team is involved as we gain traction. - Develop committed course of action for a month, a quarter or a year with specific goals and desired outcomes. Want to take a vacation but don't think you can? Make that a reality by engaging me to take over while you are are recharging.
- Set the recurring scheduled day and time and get ready to work ON your business so you can get more OUT of your business. Need more time to do more things? Let me take those items off your to do list and put them on mine!
S3 is the key to: More TIME, MONEY and FREEDOM!
Explore Packages
Choose Best Package
Strategic Consult (plan SC)
2 hours by phone only Usually one-time or as needed Subject to availability
Initial consultation (1 hour) -complimentary
Initial research & planning (1 hour) -complimentary
Session with the Decision Maker (1 hour)
Summary and action items provided (30 minutes) -included Follow-up conversation (30 minutes) -included
Strategic Deploy (plan SD)
1-2 hours in person or virtual Weekly or Bi-Weekly Recurring (4x/month) Reserved day and time
Initial research & planning (1 hour) -complimentary
Session with Decision Maker or other Executive split equally (1 hour weekly, 2 hours bi-weekly)
Summary and action items provided (30 minutes) -included
Follow-up conversation (30 minutes) -included
Email support -included
Strategic Execution (plan SE)
4-6 hours at your location Weekly or Bi-Weekly Recurring (4x/month) Reserved day and time
Initial research & planning (1 hour) -complimentary
Session with Decision Maker (1 hour weekly or 2 hours bi-weekly)
Strategy Execution with team or task (2 hours weekly, 3 hours bi-weekly)
Summary and action items/status provided (30 minutes) -included
Follow-up conversation/huddle with team (30 minutes) -included
Email support -included